Influence the World
January 23, 2022 | Jess Rainer
Passage: Matthew 5:13-16
You are made to influence the world for Christ.
1) You are made to permeate Christ. (vs. 13a) Both verses 13 and 14 start with the definitive statement, “You are…” To be clear, this isn’t an imperative, but rather a statement. Jesus isn’t telling His disciples and us that we should go be salt and light. He makes the statement that as a follower of Christ, who we are is salt and light. We are created to influence the world for Christ. To not be salt and light is to be something other than what God created us to be. To not influence the world for Christ is to be something other than what God created you to be.
Your life should change the moral climate around you. As awkward as it is sometimes, the mere presence of a Christ-follower should preserve the moral climate around you. When people see Jesus in us, they want the hope of Jesus too. In short, we become the spiritual salt that helps them leave a life of decay and into a saving relationship with Jesus.
2) You are made to radiate Christ. (vs. 14) Light has a different approach and strategy compared to salt. Salt permeates. Light radiates. Satan rules this world. He has made it a place where evil thrives. But that’s not the final answer. Christ has come – and He is the light. Christ provides light, which is life. As Christ followers, we are to be lights in this world like Christ.
We are called to be beacons of hope. We are the city on a hill to a dark world. We are the light house to a ship sailing in the night. We are that fire on a snowy night. Our lives are made to radiate Christ. What are you radiating with your life? I don’t ask that question to make you feel guilty. I ask you that question as an encouragement. Because if you are radiating anything other than Christ, you are not living as you are made. And that can be painful. When your flame is anything other than Christ, you end up burnt out.
3) You are made to glorify Christ. (vs. 13b, 15-16) What happens when something isn’t used for its intended purpose? It’s no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled on by men. Salt doesn’t ever lose its saltiness, but it can be contaminated. If salt becomes contaminated, it’s lost its usefulness. Useless salt is thrown on the road. Where the salt was thrown in the yard or the garden, it would kill whatever was growing. Salt that lost its purpose could only further contaminate. A light that is covered up has the same effect contaminated salt: it’s useless. When we influence the world for Jesus, we give glory to God because we are doing what we are made to do. Fulfillment comes when you are doing what you are made to do – which is influence the world for Christ and giving glory to God.
Series Information
Sermon on the Mount: A Kingdom Upside Down is a 8 week series to encourage the Christian to go beyond the superficial and search deep into their heart to see themselves as Christ sees them. Christ’s bold Sermon on the Mount challenged his hearers to understand that God was seeking internal righteousness from them, not just external acts. This is only possible through God’s work to bring new life in us.