In Anticipation
October 10, 2021 | Jess Rainer
Passage: Philippians 1:27-30
We find joy today by anticipating the future.
1) Remember where you belong. (vs. 27a) Christians have a dual citizenship. We are living as both citizens of this world and citizens of heaven. We live in both the city of man and the city of God. When we begin a relationship with Jesus Christ, we gain access to the spiritual kingdom of God. Our conduct must align with our creed. There must not be a gap between our belief and our behavior.
2) We need each other. (vs. 27b and 30) You were not made to walk the Christian life alone. There is a spiritual union that exists between us as Christians. It’s a bond that is God-given “The unity whereby you get the people of God from a whole breadth of experiences and backgrounds and cultures and lifestyles is a unity that God engenders.” – Alistair Begg. Joy comes from the God-given spiritual bond between each of us.
3) Don’t panic. God wins. (vs. 28-29 ) Opposition is a two-way sign. It’s a sign that God wins and depending on what you believe about God, it will lead to either destruction or salvation. As tumultuous as the world is, God’s victory is secure. God’s still in control. There’s two truths we can hold onto: 1) You can trust that and find joy in that. 2) God’s victory doesn’t depend on you.
- Help each other remember your true home.
- Help each other remember that God has secured our future.
- Help each other find joy today, even when we are in the mundane, because it’s all one step closer to our final home.
Series Information
This ten week series provides a survey of the book of Philippians. One of the key messages of Paul’s letter to the church of Philippi focuses on discovering a true joy in the Lord, because Jesus’s kingdom surpasses the circumstances of life.