Who We Are

Our Vision

The Church at Spring Hill exists because everyone needs the hope of Jesus.

Our Mission

We want to do whatever it takes to see everyone live with the hope of Jesus. As a people, we strive to carry out our lives in a way that fulfills that vision. We believe there are four ways that equip us to live out the vision of The Church at Spring Hill: belong, thrive, give, and love.

Our Values

Belong to the Church Family

We worship together every week and lock arms together through church membership.

Thrive in Community

We know the Christian life was never meant to be lived alone. We gather often in groups so that we can encourage and equip each other.

Give Generously

We give back to God our time, our talents, and our treasures with unmatched generosity.

Love Others

We want the hope that lives inside of us to demonstrated through loving actions to others around us.