The Kids at Spring Hill

Welcome to The Kids at Spring Hill!

The goal of The Kids at Spring Hill is to partner families with God so that parents and guardians can walk with their kids on the journey of faith and be the prime source of spiritual development.

Let's Partner Together

We have classes starting for birth through 5th grade on Sunday mornings during both our 9am & 10:30am worship services. Each Sunday, kids will have a great experience through interactive games, lessons, teaching, activities, videos, and music. Every week, we get a glimpse of who God is by constantly looking at His great story and how we all fit into it. Your kids will want to come back. More importantly, they will grow in their faith as our experienced team strives to transform their hearts to change their world.

Kid Classes

Hill Crawlers

Ages 6 weeks through 24 months old. The purpose of the Hill Crawlers is to provide a safe, loving, fun, and comfortable environment for your children while you enjoy our worship services.

Hill Walkers

Ages 2 years old through 3 years old. Hill Walkers will begin implementing God's Word in an understandable lesson while having fun!

Hill Runners

Ages 4 years through Kindergarten. Hill Runners take the foundations of the Bible and learn about them in a fun and creative way.

Hill Climbers

Ages 1st through 5th grade. Hill Climbers are a part of an interactive program that reaches young people in a relevant way. Your student will hear attention-holding life application videos that speak to them in their own language and show them how God's Word relates to their lives.