
July 18, 2021 | Tyler Quillet

Passage: Galatians 5:22-24

“Christ is our constant and the context in which we rejoice.  We have an anchor.  And joy is a choice; it is a determination that focuses on an unchanging reality – Jesus.”  Dr. Crawford Loritts

We trade our joy often.  When life circumstances come at you, don’t trade your joy for hurt, fear, anger, etc.  A watching, Christ-less world is looking at us as Christians to see how we are reacting. 

1) Let the joy of the Holy Spirit lead you.  Jesus died for you, He rose again and He is alive.  He has given you His Holy Spirit and is always with you.  God loves you unconditionally.  Jesus is coming back and we will spend eternity with Him.  He is present, He is good and He loves you!  When circumstances try to steal your joy, run to Him and remember these things – don’t “listen” to yourself but “talk” to yourself on these truths and choose to rejoice in the Lord. 

2) Let the joy of the Holy Spirit work through you.  Only those with the Holy Spirit have the fruit of the spirit.  What you are connected to is what is going to be produced in you.  Stay connected to Him and He will produce the fruit of the spirit in you.  Depend fully on the Holy Spirit and He will do the work through you – filling us with His joy during life’s trials and pain.  We need to be so joyful that others looking in have no other explanation except that we know God. 

3) Let the joy of the Holy Spirit be shown by you.  Ask Him for His joy.  Be joyful.  Live it out daily.  Our joy can be one of the most attractive things to an outside world.  Be aware - stop and reflect on your face and body language to make sure it is showing your joy.  Stay focused on Jesus, not all the things from life circumstances that want to steal your joy.  Seek and ask for joy from the Holy Spirit during these times. 

“We ought to attract people to the church quite literally by the sheer pleasure there is in being a Christian.”  Robert Hotchkins

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Series Information

The reason we run free is because the Holy Spirit breaks us from the bondage of sin because of the work Jesus did on the cross.  Series Emphasis: This 4 week series focuses on the freedom in living out our faith. 

Other sermons in the series

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Eternal Over Urgent

Galatians 5:23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.