Let's Keep It Going!

April 05, 2024

This past Sunday, Easter Sunday, was quite the celebration! We celebrated new life in Jesus with four baptisms. We had more people in our worship services than ever before. The voices singing in worship were the loudest they've ever been. And the gospel of Jesus Christ was declared. And God received all the glory!

Here's some great news: Jesus is still risen. God is still on His throne. And the hope of Jesus grows every day. That means we get to gather again this Sunday as a church family to keep the praise going. Let's bring the expectancy of Easter to worship every week. Let's keep the hunger and the pursuit of God going.

We're kicking off a new message series in the book of Jonah this Sunday as we look at the relentless love of God. I'll see you this Sunday at 9am or 10:30am. Come expectant.


Jess Rainer

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